Inspired by a magazine article of two cross continental women who became friends by uploading photos taken by each before noon, I got a wild hair to copy their efforts. I liked the idea of documenting the possibilities or the mundan of each day.

Good Morning!

These are two of my favorite people - John & Judy Heald. I met both doing various volunteer projects through PRUMC over the years. This picture captures the fun they always bring to the team or to any room they enter. They are an example of hope for a happy marriage and I wish to find that kind of happiness with someone one day.

I chose this picture today more so for Judy. Our Evening Light class has been working on our spiritual maps and are sharing them to the class throughout the summer. Tonight was Judy's opportunity to share her story. As we have gotten to know each other over the years, I was already privy to a large portion of her story. She has had some tough fights over the years but has always stayed faithful throughout each. I think what touched me the most tonight was the portion of her saying goodbye to her mother. She shared about a moment where she felt the peace of God at the end of her mother's life. This is much the same with the death of my father. He died unexpectedly but my mother told me a story about my father after his death that gave me closer and peace about his death.

I so glad I have friends like Judy and spiritual roadblocks that allow us to see God's presence in my daily life.
photo to come:

26. I'm always behind in technology but just ordered the iPhone in hopes of shortening the gap (photo).
27. I have an annoying habit of playing with my hair - especially when it's short like it is right now.
28. I sucked my thumb entirely too long. 5th grade - yikes. I have the bucked teeth to prove it.
29. I always wished for a sister.
30. I hope I marry into a large loving family one day.
31. I had a phase in life where I would eat Fruit-Loops and cheese slices together. Bazaar when you think I don't like my food to touch on my plate.
32. I've been on an elevator with Chuck Level (keyboardist for the Rolling Stones)
33. I like the top bunk of bunkbeds.
34. My eyes are my best feature.
35. Contrary to modern woman, I think girls should own and WEAR slips.
36. Wishes my next home will have a fireplace, 2 baths and a garage.
37. Wishes I would take more risk in life.
38. I never met any of my father's family - all deceased.
39. Hope to have someone tell me - You made a difference in my life - someday
40. Wishes I had photographic memory. I forget too much these days.
41. Becomes crazy competitive at things like a hunt, trivia, puzzle, etc...
42. I have always wanted a VW Bug convertible (original). At one time I was going to paint it pink (remember that M. Ringwald obsession) but now I think I would take almost any color.
43. I love the sandalwood, pumpkin, gardenia, and cocoa butter scents.
44. I love to cut the grass (when temps are <90 degrees). Another great scent.
45. I'm the only person to graduate college in my family.
46. I love working with my hands - sewing, building, crafting....
47. I like the symphony.
48. I walked out of the movie Pulp Fiction and have never seen the ending. Disturbing.
49. I like Broadway shows and volunteer at the Fox Theatre to see them for free.
50. I haven't had a date in ...... (a long time). Could it have anything to do with 1-49?

Correct me if I'm wrong - are not ALL zones drug-free in the United States. This made me laugh. You might say I'm in the wrong part of town if I see such signs posted. Believe me, some of the best places can be found in areas like these. I'll just have to leave my drugs at home when I visit (JK).

I commandeered the bike from my mom's and pimped it out with a new basket and bell. I took it out on it's inaugural ride this morning to cut Queen Anne's Lace (roadside weed to most) and breakfast from Dunkin Donuts. I think it will be good transportation for library and Kroger excursions as well. And yes, I will wear my helmet.

I'm learning that little ones require a lot of viewing/vaccinations. Trip II to the boys doctor for another follow up and second round of vaccinations. I used this vet office with Itty but at that time there were only two doctors. So far, we've seen two different doctors and I think there are more. Glad to know they are so well used. Who wants to use a doctor that no one uses.

I saw this on one of the blogs I follow. List 100 things about yourself (round 1):

1. I'm a meat and potato girl (see picture). Has everything to do with my hips and my current cholesterol levels.
2. I've never stepped into an Apple store (but I'm on the verge)
3. I had my first kiss at 16. I know a little behind the masses. Hard to believe I would chase the boys in first grade, hold them down and kiss them. What happened to that girl. If she still existed I might be married by now (or have multiple STDs - yikes).
4. I was named by my father because he thought Phyllis' were successful. I hated it until about high school.
5. I get amazed at things like the telephone, fax machine and music composers. Music has been around since the dawn of time and it can still sound different. And you can pick up a phone and talk to someone 500 miles away.
6. I'm a blogaholic. Not posting but reading others.
7. I've never tried non prescription drugs. Caffeine doesn't count - I try this daily, multiple times even.
8. I love Gardener's Diary and can not possibly understand why HGTV has decided to not run it on their network any longer.

9. I didn't eat salad until college.
10. My second toe is longer than my big toe. People used to make fun of it in my teens. Mean Girls.
11. I love to sing in the car but am tone deaf.
12. I feel God most in music and nature.
13. A dead rat was floating in the baptism pool the day I was baptised. Hopefully not an omen.

14. The Vicar of Dibley makes me laugh more than anything else at this stage in life.
15. Didn't have a text plan until I just ordered the iPhone
16. Can watch You've Got Mail, Someone Like You and the Breakfast Club every time it's on.
17. Wanted to be just like Molly Ringwald (down to her pink carmagea) in Middle school.
18. I love fireworks, hot air balloons and parades.
19. Thinks the hetero's should take back the rainbow.
20. Believes I need every flower in MY garden.
21. Loves the color green - no wait turquoise - no azure blue - how about anything in these color families less sea foam green.
22. I need to apply lipstick more often.
23. Beach or mountains - even drawl
24. I would rather have a new tool over shoes anyday.
25. Is glad to have become the mother of two boys - Jasper & Jetty. Even when they require 3am massages.

I found a new friend. Well she doesn't know that I'm her friend nor will she ever know that I"m her friend. Heck, I don't even know her name. But I do know that we have a lot in common already. Here is a post she made (both photo above and below):

The morning walk is a must for many of us who garden, blog, and love nature but just what are you carrying, wearing and doing while going about the morning walk? The camera is an essential. I rarely strap it on, preferring to have it in one hand with the coffee cup in the other. This can create a few problems if one has to manually focus or adjust a setting so it is important to have the coffee cup a bit drained before stepping into the garden.

Those are words I would say. Any true gardener, takes the morning walk with her coffee. This is the one thing I miss the most by doing morning boot camp. And look - she even takes photos of heart rocks. I can tell we're going to be good friends. Or, I'm going to be a good daily stalker.